Microwave Oven Leakage Detector Test Kit

$ 9.95


Microwave oven leakage can have devastating effects. Daily exposure to microwave ovens can cause serious eye damage, skin cancer, temporary sterility, cardiovascular problems, and central nervous system damage. Every year, millions of people use microwave ovens and put themselves at risk.

The PRO-LAB® MICROWAVE OVEN LEAKAGE DETECTOR TEST KIT provides an easy way to routinely measure the radiation levels around the oven.

SKU: MD115 Category:

Microwave oven leakage can have devastating effects. Daily exposure to microwave ovens can cause serious eye damage, skin cancer, temporary sterility, cardiovascular problems, and central nervous system damage. Every year, millions of people use microwave ovens and put themselves at risk.
The PRO-LAB® MICROWAVE OVEN LEAKAGE DETECTOR TEST KIT provides an easy way to routinely measure the radiation levels around the oven.

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