PRO-LAB® is the worlds leading manufacturer of the most complete line of home safety test kits created for consumers for DIY testing. Each test kit provides precise measurement of specific life threatening environmetal pollutants. PRO-LAB® is also the leading provider of accredited environmental laboratory testing services in the world to professional real estate inspectors, industrial hygienists, environmental engineers, radon mitigators, mold remediators, asbestos and lead abatement companies, etc.
In addition, Prolab® is proud to be the official laboratory of InterNACHI® the worlds largest home inspection association with over 25.000 members.


Is the leading manufacturer of a complete line of home safety test kits.

Each test kit provides precise measurement of specific life threatening pollutants.

test kits contain all of the necessary materials

to detect contaminants within the home or office.

Environmental Consciousness

All test kits are consumer-friendly and completely non-toxic.


Unlike some competitors, PRO-LAB® is not owned by or beholden to any company selling pollution abatement services or air/water treatment devices. This ensures unbiased testing and analysis.

Quality Assurance:

All analyses are performed by PRO-LAB® or by PRO-LAB® recognized certified laboratories in compliance with State and Federal lab methods.

See why our customers keep coming back, check out their testimonials:

“Thank you to PTO-LAB for giving me support. I will be certain to tell my experiences to anyone i hear of in the future considering testing kits for their”

A Morris


We would like to thank the fine people at PRO-LAB for their continued dedication to service and performance. Almost any Company can get a customer to use their product once, but it takes a great company like PRO-LAB to keep those customers coming back again and again as we have been. We are a full service professional Home Inspection Company that exclusively uses PRO-LAB to perform accurate Radon tests for our customers. PRO-LAB’s promptness with test results enables us to pass the same fast service over to our customers. Thank you PRO-LAB and keep up the great work!

Schweitzer Real Estate

We can’t tell you how much “PEACE OF MIND” you guys have given us. Thank you PRO-LAB…

Chris & Jody, Colorado

I have used PRO-LAB’s radon test kit personally and professionally. I was very pleased with their service, their professionalism and timeliness.

S Muscella, Realtor

I wish to proclaim the great value of your Radon Gas Test Kit. In July, I purchased the kit through PRO-LABl’s website and I loved my experience with the professionalism they showed. Rest assured, I would buy other PRO-LAB test kits on the positive experience I have had with your Radon Gas Test Kit

C E Scanlan

Today, one person in ten suffers from headaches or high blood pressure. Birth defects are on the rise. One out of every five people will get cancer during their lifetime, a 26 percent increase in the last two decades according to the National Cancer Society. In addition to cancer, environmental pollution is suspected to be a major cause of asthma, emphysema, nervous disorders, and there is speculation that it might also figure into puzzling diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Overwhelming media attention and newly enacted legislation regarding life threatening home and office pollutants has heightened consumer awareness, which created the demand for environmental home safety test kits…

Concerned about indoor pollution?

Some of the major causes of these pollutants are the construction of more tightly sealed buildings with reduced ventilation and the use of synthetic building materials and furnishings. 

The PRO-LAB® brand test kits will help prevent health risks by identifying dangerous pollutants in the air, water, and surface areas in homes, schools, and offices. The PRO-LAB® test kits are accurate and reliable, and offer consumers tests that meet or even exceed state, federal and EPA guidelines. The PRO-LAB® brand test kits provide both qualitative and quantitative results: revealing the presence and exact count of pollutants. By informing concerned end-users of the true extent of their problems, PRO-LAB® reinforces their brand’s recognition as the authority in home safety testing industry.

PRO-LAB® Laboratories are inspected, licensed, recognized, accredited, certified, affiliated with, endorsed by and/or proficiency tested by a number of governmental agencies and independent associations, including but not limited to the following

AAB American Association of Bioanalysts

AARST American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists

AIA Americas Inspector Alliance

AIAQC American Indoor Air Quality Council

AIHA American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA EMPAT # 163230)

ASHI American Society of Home Inspectors

ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers

CREIA California Real Estate Inspectors Association

ESA Environmental Solutions Association

FABI Florida Association of Home Inspectors

GAHI Georgia Association of Home Inspectors

IAQA Indoor Air Quality Association

IDOPH Iowa Department of Public Health

IESO Indoor Environmental Standards Organization

KREIA Kentucky Real Estate Inspectors Association

TAREI Texas Association of Real Estate Inspectors

ISDOH Indiana State Department of Health

LEHA The Lead and Environmental Hazards Association

MDOHC State of Maine Department of Human Services

NACHI National Association of Certified Home Inspectors

NADCA National Air Duct Cleaners Association

NAHI National Association of Home Inspectors

NEHA National Environmental Health Association

NFPA National Fire Protection Association

NJDEP New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection

NLAAC National Lead Abatement and Assessment Council

NRSB National Radon Safety Board

NYSDOH New York State Department of Health

ODOH State of Ohio Department of Health

PDEP Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection

WQA Water Quality Association

PRO-LAB®, Inc. (USA) 

1675 N. Commerce Pkwy.
Weston, FL 33326

Tel: (954) 384-4446